LD Multimedia Apps

Fipav C.R. Piemonte 1.0
LD Multimedia
Con l'applicazione ufficiale di Fipav C.R.Piemonte potrai rimanere sempre aggiornato su tutte le novitàriguardanti la Pallavolo Piemontese: l'applicazione contiene novitàed informazioni sui campionati raccolte direttamente dal sito edalla pagina Facebook ufficiale Fipav Piemonte.Grazie all'applicazione potrai inoltre facilmente metterti incontatto con il nostro centralino o con la nostra segreteria e/oraggiungere il nostro sito e la nostra pagina Facebook con unsemplice click.With the officialapplication of Fipav C. R. Piedmont will be updated on all newsregarding Volleyball Piemontese: The application contains news andinformation about championships gathered directly from the websiteand official Facebook page Fipav Piedmont.Through the application you can also easily get in touch with ourcall center or our office and / or achieve our website and ourFacebook page with a simple click.
LD VR Player 1.0
LD Multimedia
Welcome to the LD Multimedia VirtualRealityApp Player! Take a walk through the world of Virtual Realitytolive new emotions. Using this application, you can watch 360°and3D videos as well as 3D gaming in continuallyupdatedversions.Immerse yourself in our VR 360 3D scenarios and live them as inreallife, in a fully immersive experience. Check it out!You can watch the contents on your screen or by insertingyoursmartphone into a VR device (cardboard).
Winkler VR 1.0
LD Multimedia
Winkler's latest products –innovativepresentation of advanced technology.Learn more about our products by watching the exclusiveVirtualReality videos 3D 180°.Download our VR 180 3D application and follow the instructor asinreal life, in a fullyimmersive experience.You can watch the videos on your screen or by insertingyoursmartphone into a VRdevice (cardboard).Winkler – Advanced Building Material, was founded in 1987.Goalof the company is anew kind of approach to the building business to placechemistryand technology into thecustomer's disposal.